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RabbitMQ Messaging With Java (Spring Boot) From Zero To Hero

RabbitMQ Messaging With Java (Spring Boot) From Zero To Hero AMQP, Queue, Exchange, Highly Availability, Clustering, Shovel, Federation, Binding, Asynchronous Messaging, Fanout
RabbitMQ Messaging With Java (Spring Boot) From Zero To Hero AMQP, Queue, Exchange, Highly Availability, Clustering, Shovel, Federation, Binding, Asynchronous Messaging, Fanout

RabbitMQ Messaging With Java (Spring Boot) From Zero To Hero

Asynchronous Messaging, Fanout, AMQP, Queue, Exchange, High Availability, Clustering, Shovel, Federation, Binding

What you’ll learn

RabbitMQ Messaging With Java (Spring Boot) From Zero To Hero

  • RabbitMQ allows for asynchronous messaging.
  • AMQP vs. RabbitMQ
  • In Spring Boot, there are two templates: AmqpTemplate and RabbitTemplate.
  • Create a Spring Boot application from the ground up.
  • Learn RabbitMQ from the ground up.
  • Default, Direct, Topic, Fanout, and Header are the several types of RabbitMQ exchanges.
  • Post-processing of messages.
  • Retry Mechanism and Exception Handling


  • All you need is a computer and a basic understanding of Java.


Hello there,

From A to Z, we’ll study all there is to know about RabbitMQ in this course. We’ll utilize the Spring Boot project to learn it. First and foremost, we will begin with the definition, thus we will begin with the fundamentals. And we’ll go over the details one by one… Perhaps the most essential aspect of this course is that we will cover certain practical RabbitMQ capabilities such as high availability and policies that you won’t find in enough resources on the internet…

The following are some of the basic concepts covered in this course:

  1. Queue
  2. Exchange
  3. Binding
  4. Producer
  5. Consumer
  6. Routing Key
  7. Policies
  8. Federation Upstream
  9. Clustering With Docker
  10. Queue Arguments/Features
  11. Highly Availability
  12. Exception Handling
  13. Retry Mechanism
  14. Max Priority
  15. Mirroring
  16. AMQP Default
  17. Virtual Host
  18. Connection vs Channel

We’ll use Docker to work with numerous nodes in this course. As a result, we’ll learn some basic Docker commands for RabbitMQ.

What is the purpose of RabbitMQ?

– A queue for messages… We’ll look at the specifics later.

Is it better to use rabbitmq instead of apache-kafka?

– It is debatable… We’ll look at the specifics later.

Is Spring-Boot an appropriate framework for working with RabbitMQ? Is it truly necessary?

– Of course. It has a lot of flexibility and functionalists…

Are there any drawbacks to using rabbitmq instead of apache-kafka?

– It is debatable… We’ll look at the specifics later.


We’ll make a spring boot project to implement all of the rabbitmq steps. A model view controller structure will be used in our project. Of course, at the end of the day, one of our goals is to provide readable projects.

Who this course is for:

  • All developers who are interested in Messaging Queue

RabbitMQ Python

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