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Advance LUA OOP Networking

Advance LUA OOP Networking
Advance LUA OOP Networking

Advance LUA OOP Networking

People who learn deeply are called “Deep Lua.”

What you’ll learn

Advance LUA OOP Networking

  • Programming that is object-oriented
  • LUA
  • Networking
  • The process of making games
  • It’s called “Function Programming,” and it
  • Love2D
  • Roblox


  • if else loops, arrays, lists, variables, and basic programming skills string library is basic, and math library is basic.


Deeply buried loops

IFs that are very deep in the tree


Tables with a lot of space between them

OOP is getting better and better all the time.

Programming that is more advanced than simple functional programming

This is the library for people who want to learn more about physics.

Server and client games will get better, and the networking library LUA will get better as well.

Making a Multiplayer Game for a Phone

Everything above as we make games and learn.

Collision detection from all sides, gravity, bounce, pull, push, and so on will be in the Physics library. In a multiplayer game, these things will be important.

A lot of LUA training and Metaverse was used to teach programming concepts like love2D, ZeroBrane, and Roblox.

Basic Language Structures: Global/Local Variables, types of Values, 8 Queen Puzzle, Numbers, Strings, and Tables are some of them.

Results, Variable, lambda, and parameter functions:- Multiple results, single, multiple, and table function

There are Blocks and Loops: if then else… while… repeat… numerical for… generic for… break… return… goto…::

do not get to the end,

There are a lot of different types of data structures in Lua. There are a lot of different types of data structures in Lua.

Modules and Packages – you need them and they cover everything else.

Metatables, Metamethods, Arithmetic, Relational, Library-defined, table access, classes, inheritance, Multiple inheritances, privacy, single method approach, and dual representations are some of the things in object-oriented programming.

Who this course is for:

  • Advance
  • Programming in LUA that gets better

Advance LUA OOP Networking

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