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30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021

30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021 Learn To Build & Deploy AI, ML, DS, Deep Learning, NLP Web Apps With Python Projects Course(Flask, Django, Heruko Cloud)
30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021 Learn To Build & Deploy AI, ML, DS, Deep Learning, NLP Web Apps With Python Projects Course(Flask, Django, Heruko Cloud)

30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021

The Python Projects Course teaches you how to build and deploy AI, ML, DS, Deep Learning, and NLP web apps (Flask, Django, Heruko Cloud)

What you’ll learn

30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021

  • Students will have a better understanding of what machine learning is.
    Why Should They Study Machine Learning?
    Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence: What’s the Difference?
    What Are Machine Learning’s Applications?


  • Enthusiasm To Learn New Things


Use Data Science to Practically Solve Business Problems Learn how to use Python to create and deploy artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP) web applications (Flask, Django, Haruko, Streamlight Cloud).

In the United States, how much does a Data Scientist earn?
The national average income for a Data Scientist in the United States is $120,718 per year, according on 2.8k salaries published on July 15, 2021. (image courtesy of Glassdoor)

Salaries in the United States by Company, Role, and Average Base Salary (USD).

A Facebook Data Scientist earns $136,000 per year. A total of 1,014 wages were examined.

The average salary for an Amazon Data Scientist is $125,704 per year. 307 wages were analyzed.

Apple Data Scientist earns $153,885 per year. A total of 147 salaries were examined.

A Google Data Scientist earns $148,316 per year. A total of 252 wages were examined.

Data Scientist at Quora, Inc. earns $122,875 a year. A total of 509 wages were examined.

Oracle Data Scientist earns $148,396 per year. 458 wages were analyzed.

The average salary for an IBM Data Scientist is $132,662 per year. 388 salaries were analyzed.

Microsoft Data Scientists earn $133,810 per year. A total of 205 incomes were examined.

The average salary for a Walmart Data Scientist is $108,937 per year. 187 wages were examined.

Cisco Systems Data Scientists earn $157,228 per year. A total of 184 wages were examined.

Uber Data Scientist earns $143,661 per year. A total of 151 incomes were examined.

The average salary for an Intel Corporation Data Scientist is $125,930 per year. A total of 131 wages were examined.

The average salary for an Airbnb Data Scientist is $180,569 per year. A total of 122 incomes were examined.

Adobe Data Scientist earns $139,074 per year. A total of 109 incomes were examined.

We’ll work on 30 real-world projects in this course, which are listed below:

Pan Card Tempering Detector App (Project-1) (With Deployment).

Flask App for Project-2 Dog Breed Prediction

Image Watermarking App Project-3 (With Deployment).

Project #4: Classification of traffic signs

Text Extraction From Images App (Project 5)

Plant Disease Prediction App (Project-6) (With Deployment).

Flask App for Project-7 Counting and Detecting Vehicles.

Face Swapping Deep Learning Application (Project-8)

Bird Species Prediction App by Project-9.

Intel Image Classification App, Project-10

Sentiment Analysis App Project-11 (With Deployment).

Django App for Project-12 Attrition Rate

Pokemon Dataset App (Project-13) (With Deployment).

Streamlit’s Project-14 Face Detection App.

Cats vs. Dogs Classification App (Project-15).

Customer Revenue Prediction App (Project-16) (With Deployment).

Project-17: Voice Prediction App for Gender.

Restaurant Recommendation System (Project-18).

The Project-19 Happiness Ranking App is a fun way to track how happy you are.

Forest Fire Prediction App, Project-20

Prediction for Project-21’s Black Friday Sale.

Sentiment Analysis Using Natural Language Processing (Project 22).

Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease (Project 23).

Fake News Classifier Using Natural Language Processing (Project-24).

Toxic Comment Classifier Using Natural Language Processing (Project-25).

Using NLP, Project-26 predicts movie ratings on IMDB.

Prediction of Air Quality for Project-27.

Covid-19 Case Analysis, Project-28

Customer Churning Prediction (Project 29).

Building A Chatbot Application (Project 30) (NLP).

The Only Data Science Course With 30 Real-World Projects.

Note: This Course Is Worth Your Time And Money; Enroll Now Before the Offer Expires.

Who this course is for:

  • Machine Learning Enthusiasts

30 Real World Data Science, Machine Learning Projects 2021

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